How can I play Blu-ray titles?

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How can I play Blu-ray titles?


How can I play Blu-ray titles with My Movies and Windows Media Center?


Windows Media Center does not include a Blu-ray player by default, and as My Movies only passes playback to Windows Media Center, neither does My Movies.

To play Blu-ray titles, both offline titles (on disc) and titles stored on storage as ISO or BDMV folders, you must purchase either ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre or Cyberlink PowerDVD, which provides Blu-ray playback within Windows Media Center. Both products integrates into Windows Media Center for offline title (on disc) playback as well as playback of ISO files, which are simply mounted as if it was an original disc.

My Movies will detect either ArcSoft TotalMedia Threatre or Cyberlink PowerDVD (version 11 or later) for BDMV folder playback, and will launch the player accordingly.

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Last Modified:13-07-2011 10:28:34

Last Modified By: Administrator

Type: FAQ

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