I purchased My Movies for Android Pro, but it will not download...

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I purchased My Movies for Android Pro, but it will not download to my device.


I purchased My Movies for Android Pro on Google Play Store, but it will not download and install on my device.


Purchases through Google Play Store is handled through Google Checkout by using your Google Checkout account. In some situations, the credit card information in Google Checkout is outdated, or the credit card is declined. Google Checkout sends you an e-mail in these situations, but it often get caught in spam filters. If your credit card could not be processed, your purchase of My Movies for Android Pro will not download and install - in this situation, you must log onto Google Checkout and update your credit card information, and check that your order was processed.

Notice! In some situation, the validation of your purchase can also be delayed with Google Checkout, and there might be a period from purchasing until you can download and install the application.

In the case you are still having problems with your purchase, please contact us on support@mymovies.dk with the receipt id from Google Checkout, and we can check the status of your order.

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Last Modified:14-09-2012 15:25:02

Last Modified By: Administrator


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