How can I contribute or report a title missing, when another title with the same barcode already exists?


I have a title that I would like to contribute or report as a missing title, but I receive the message "Another title already exists with that barcode in that country". How can I add or report my title?


The first thing you must to is to confirm if your title is actually a different title from the one already in the system - you can do this by searching for the barcode in the add title dialog. If your title is not different than the one already in the system, you should remove your own title and add the one that already exists in the system instead.

If your title differs from the one already in the system, you have what we call a duplicate title - such duplicate titles are rare, and to avoid users creating the same title in the service multiple times, they can only be added to the system by our staff.

To have a duplicate title created, you must send the following information to

- Barcode
- Title
- Type (DVD, Blu-ray or HD DVD)
- Country
- Photo of front cover
- Photo of back cover

The photos must be a picture taken with a camera or camera phone and must show the barcode visible. This is used to confirm the existance of the title - you may not send ONLY a cover scan, as it can be difficult for our staff to confirm if such are custom graphics or actual scans, but if you send the camera photos as evidence, you may also include scanned covers to be added to the created duplicate.

You will receive an e-mail when we have created the title in the system, and you can then remove your existing title from your collection, and add the one created by our staff, and optionally add more data to the created profile to improve it's complete percentage and earn contribution points.

Notice! Since April 2021, we are allowing duplicate title creations also if your title IS the same as the one in the service, with the exact same country and barcode, and for the same movie or tv series/season, but your version have had a cover re-design, or, if the existing profile lists the outer or inner cover of a title with a slip cover, and you would like the opposite listed. The requirement to have a duplicate created due to a different cover design is that the data on the existing profile must be complete, to avoid duplicating incomplete data - the existing profile must contain both a front and back cover (as it otherwise could contain a replacement cover), and, you can provide a full front and back cover scan of the cover design you have.

Be aware that if a title contains only a front cover, this may be a replacement cover, if the full and correct cover have not been available - in such situation, a duplicate is not needed, as you may simply contribute your covers to the profile, as long as the barcode matches the profile - your covers are expected to be the correct ones for the title, over the replacement front cover.

Posted 15-09-2011 10:58:06 by Administrator