The tray application crashes shortly after being started

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The tray application crashes shortly after being started


The tray application crashes shortly after being started, and the details includes the text "Fault Module Name: MediaInfo.dll".


This issue have been resolved in the latest version of MediaInfo, which is included in My Movies 4.02 Pre Release 4 and above. Please upgrade to this version, which will resolve the issue. The cause and solution for prior versions is included below.


This problem occurs when My Movies reads media information of your titles though a third party plug-in called MediaInfo. Your collection most likely contains one or more VIDEO_TS folders that are not 1:1 copies, and where the IFO file structure have been rendered invalid due to incorrect handling of a DVD copy program.

This or these particular titles crashes MediaInfo in it's reading of the data, an error which the My Movies Tray application unfortunately cannot catch, due to it occurring deeper than the .NET Framework layer that it is running in.


There are for now no other solution to this than removing the affected titles from your library, and optionally re-copy the discs into your library as full 1:1 copies, or use a different program to copy a sub-set of the disc than the one you originally used - and hope that this program does not destroy the directory structure.

The only thing we can do is to help you identifiy which title(s) that are affected. You do this by opening the Collection Management program, and go to Help, Debug and click "Enable" to enable logging. You then close the tray by right clicking it's icon and select "Exit" - then restart the Collection Management program, which will also restart the tray application - wait for the tray application to crash, which should occur not longer after it being started. From the Collection Management program, go to Help, Debug and open the log file - search for the last entry of the exact text "Common.SaveTitleMediaInfo - Reading media info for file" - the text will be followed by something such as '\\SERVER\Movies\MovieName\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO', which identifies the affected title as "MovieName" on the server "SERVER" and share "Movies". You can now remove this title from your collection.

Notice that the approch may needs to be followed multiple times until you no longer see the tray application crashes with this error, as there might be more than one title in your collection affected.

We also would like for you to send all the "IFO" files from the affected titles to, allowing us to pass them onto the MediaInfo developers, allowing them to hopefully update the software in future versions to handle the program gracefully.

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Last Modified:08-06-2014 13:59:16

Last Modified By: Administrator

Type: BUG

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